1. 中国当地公证处办理的翻译公证件
2. 中国驻新西兰领事馆认可的翻译件
3. 新西兰NZTA认可的翻译机构的翻译件
请注意: 以上针对的是持旅游签证以及中国驾照到澳新短期自驾旅客。所有驾驶车辆的人员都必须携带驾照原件和翻译件,取车时务必登记在租赁合同中。
1. 是否只要是国内所在地公证均可办理?
- 对的,只要是政府机构设立的公证处均可,请注意,有时候会要求到驾照发放所在地公证,请提前问询以免白跑一趟。
2. 办理公证需要的材料有哪些?
- 户口本原件,户口本首页及办理公证申请人页的复印件1份,新版身份证原件,正反面复印件1份,驾驶证原件以及复印件2份。驾照的正本和准驾车型表以及付证都需要复印。 各地公证处的要求可能与此有出入,建议提前上网或电话咨询所在地公证处。
3. 澳大利亚NAATI的翻译和新西兰的NZTA翻译是否能在对方国家使用?
- 官方说法是不可以的。- 请看下方官网原文。
4. 在其他网站或国内翻译机构办理的国际驾照或认证翻译可否使用?
- 官方说法是不可以的。- 请看下方官网原文
5. 看到其他网友或朋友持这类翻译件也能够取到车?
- 车行可能会接受,但是不表示被警察拦停是警方会接受或者车辆发生事故保险理赔时保险公司会接受。
6. 去哪里办理NAATI或者NZTA的翻译件?
- 房车国度目前已经可以提供认证翻译服务,可在预定车辆页面选择此服务并关注我们的微信公号,订单确认后至公号菜单-我要福利-驾照翻译提交资料,翻译件会在10天内寄出。
If your overseas driver licence or permit isn't in English you must provide an accurate English translation when you are driving and when you want to convert your overseas licence to a New Zealand licence. The translation must be provided by:
- an NZ Transport Agency authorised translation service, or
- a diplomatic representative at a high commission, embassy or consulate, or
- the authority that issued your overseas licence.
The following documents may also be acceptable as a translation:
- an international driving permit – issued in accordance with a United Nations Convention on road traffic
- a translation document issued by a Notary Public Office in China.
ACT - 首都领地
Your foreign driver licence that is not in English, accompanied by an official English translation of the licence. An official translation means a translation certified by an Embassy or Consulate or by a National Accreditation Authority For Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) or an Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators (AUSIT) accredited translator.
NSW - 新南威尔士洲
Driving in NSW on an overseas licence
You carry your overseas driver or rider licence. If your licence is not written in English, you must also carry an English translation, or an International Driving Permit.
NT - 北领地
An overseas visitor is permitted to drive in the NT using his/her current overseas licence, together with an overseas issued International Driving Permit granted in accordance with the terms of the 1949 United Nations Convention on Road Traffic,(if the licence is in any language other than English).
QLD - 昆士兰州
If your licence is in a language other than English, you should carry a recognised English translation of it when you are driving. You should show this translation to police when you have to show your driver licence. The National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) has a list of approved translators.
SA - 南澳
Driver's licence translations will only be accepted if they meet one of these conditions:
- an original document (photocopies, faxes and certified copies are not acceptable)
- translated by a National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) approved translator and signed by the translator
- from a consulate office in Australia, signed by a consulate officer, and on official consulate letterhead
- from the South Australian Government Interpreting and Translating Centre or interstate equivalent, or the Federal Department of Social Services’ free translating service on the appropriate template.
TAS - 塔斯马尼亚
If your overseas licence is not in English, you must also carry either:
- An International Driving Permit or
- An English translation of your licence by a person accredited to translate
Please note that you must pay the cost of the translation.
Some people may be eligible for a free translation of their driver licence from the Translating Interpreting Service if they are a migrant and hold a permanent visa less than 2 years old. For more information see www.immi.gov.au/living-in-australia/help-with-english/learn-english/client/translation_help.htm
VIC - 维多利亚州
Your driver licence must be written in English or accompanied by an English translation or international driving permit.
WA - 西澳
If your overseas licence is not in English, you must carry an international driving permit or an approved English translation of your licence with you when you drive.
如果这是您首次房车自驾游,或许对房车使用和取还车流程不太了解,别担心,房车国度为您附上房车取还车指南和澳洲新西兰房车使用详解, 希望可以帮助您解答出游前的一些疑问。
撰写人: Susy Ge